Fantasy Chase: NH picks, NH results, Dover picks and an apology

First, a note of apology. Somehow my spreadsheet got messed up and your picks for New Hampshire weren’t your picks for New Hampshire at all. THANK YOU to Bob Dare for bringing this to my attention, because the results were much different than they would have been had he not pointed it out.

Not that you want to know the whole explanation, but I’m using a Google spreadsheet for your picks based on the form you sent in. Somehow, your picks for PHOENIX went in the New Hampshire slot. So that’s why everyone picked Harvick for New Hampshire (or so I thought)…but that was completely wrong.

So before we get to the results, here were your ACTUAL New Hampshire picks for this week:

Twitter ID New Hampshire
07vanquish Busch (Kyle)
1Outlawbandit Johnson
1youngster1 Busch (Kyle)
3Dingo Busch (Kyle)
8spokesontheb24 Logano
ahaywood7 Hamlin
Ahsumdude Hamlin
AlekBalvanz Logano
Andrea__Marie Logano
AndrewWaldrop Keselowski
AndyDow13 Logano
arlenekrue Busch (Kyle)
b_Verba Logano
benthurman Keselowski
bharden94 Kenseth
bigmohermitage Busch (Kyle)
billy_dowdy Keselowski
bite Logano
bobdare18 Keselowski
BPierce158 Busch (Kyle)
BradBoggz Logano
briang3386 Hamlin
BScharfschwerdt Logano
bshell00 Hamlin
BZieg66 Logano
Cborgninjagumby McMurray
cdaviswx Logano
Cgros127 Keselowski
Chad_Reno13 Logano
Chargin_Chuck Busch (Kyle)
chasedaddy88 Busch (Kyle)
ChaseDaniels88 Logano
chekrs_or_rekrs Logano
Chevy3dude Harvick
ChrisHarvey33 Harvick
chrisonethree Hamlin
cinmenn Logano
CjACK1078 Hamlin
CJSully Logano
clarinetbiter13 Edwards
claytonroots Johnson
clebren45 Busch (Kyle)
CoachJasonWesr Busch (Kyle)
CodfishCodfish Logano
codydawg Johnson
cool1982 Johnson
coolswagjay Busch (Kyle)
corymcglone Busch (Kyle)
Cracks1313 Logano
cswiecki84 Logano
dabrowmatt Logano
dallasjhawk Busch (Kyle)
dallasjunebug Logano
damorga1 Keselowski
damorgan86 Keselowski
debkeat Logano
dfairhurst2448 Busch (Kyle)
dgoodin24 Harvick
dhopkinsjr Logano
dickiep1018 Johnson
dmcgrew Busch (Kyle)
DRLDeBoer Logano
DRM3CIX Keselowski
E4budfan Busch (Kyle)
evan_graf Busch (Kyle)
fatbuzz66 Logano
Fhatmaker Keselowski
furcick Busch (Kyle)
Gary88Marion Hamlin
hellrod4 Kenseth
herewego75 Busch (Kyle)
heyMurf Busch (Kyle)
hoopngoofy73 Edwards
HotStoverReport Keselowski
Huth88 Keselowski
hzirbel Harvick
iamaaronwhite Busch (Kyle)
idkadte Hamlin
igtamerica Busch (Kyle)
ILuvthe88and78 Logano
JAGillespie90 Logano
Jasonanderson55 Keselowski
jay_wilkins17 Kenseth
Jayua Logano
Jbelote24 Harvick
Jblohse Keselowski
jclea1130 Busch (Kyle)
jcnewton42 Hamlin
jeffgh24 Edwards
jenbrott Logano
Jeremy_Sparks Logano
Jess43x8 Keselowski
jflittle Kenseth
JHuchingson Busch (Kyle)
JimHogle Johnson
jjrs18 Logano
jke_4 Logano
joebeck24 Busch (Kyle)
joey4542001 Busch (Kyle)
JoeyLoganoFan22 Logano
JohnsonErikM Logano
jojoluvs18 Busch (Kyle)
jordanthenascar Hamlin
Jrioux_ Keselowski
JRs_Creations Harvick
Jsteen234 Busch (Kyle)
jsugi48 Logano
JTonQ Busch (Kyle)
Julie_huth Busch (Kyle)
justinleedy Keselowski
Kathy Busch (Kurt)
katiecole125 Busch (Kyle)
kevinkletti Busch (Kyle)
KevinRHatfield Busch (Kyle)
kevmastro Harvick
kimery Kenseth
KJL1521 Logano
klund29 Busch (Kyle)
kristidbm Logano
krsheart Logano
Kyle_Steffen Busch (Kyle)
lastlapgo29 Harvick
longtimeracefan Busch (Kyle)
LossiePrice Busch (Kyle)
LSHenshaw Logano
LuvsHMS48 Logano
Macd_6 Busch (Kyle)
MagnumPE Busch (Kyle)
marc_b Logano
Matt_E_Robinson Logano
Matthew_Ryan4 Kenseth
mattyg00dtimes Logano
maureenholt Logano
MaximeB92 Busch (Kyle)
Megan48x6 Johnson
Mhouser88 Harvick
mikemcvea Keselowski
mrirond Logano
Mrittenhouse84 Harvick
nancymcb88 Logano
Nickler6 Busch (Kyle)
NotInRioLinda Busch (Kyle)
NSCRtruckFAN Logano
Nuggie99 Busch (Kyle)
ocdizneygirl Busch (Kyle)
oldguyjk Busch (Kyle)
PackerDuke Harvick
Peidelaney Truex
PhotoMatt_KCCO Kenseth
prettymonkey Kenseth
ProducerTed971 Busch (Kyle)
quickdraw222 Busch (Kyle)
Racinangel24 Gordon
RatedK13 Keselowski
rblgrl95 Kenseth
RealJDogg_82 Earnhardt
rjalias Keselowski
rlberryyogi Harvick
RowdyBug Busch (Kyle)
roxnascarf9 Busch (Kyle)
Rsunstrom Busch (Kyle)
ryanhorne1028 Logano
RyanLMcCollough Logano
Sarah_Boyer_ Busch (Kyle)
Senna94 Logano
sewacter Keselowski
shadygator Busch (Kyle)
shaneiliff Busch (Kyle)
ShaunPresley48 Logano
ShowtimeChase Logano
smithsan Busch (Kyle)
snowybwm Busch (Kyle)
spalmer88 Logano
Speedway_Steve Logano
stephenlochner Keselowski
stevemichalik Keselowski
Stewcrew14 Busch (Kyle)
SubmarineMike88 Keselowski
SunFunRach Busch (Kyle)
Sushilegs Logano
tampawriter89 Busch (Kyle)
thatGrogan Busch (Kyle)
The_GreenFlag Logano
The_real_tc_ Hamlin
theglenprez Logano
TheOrangeCone Harvick
thndrnghrd24 Keselowski
TLeeG Logano
TreyKeesee Busch (Kyle)
trv240sx Busch (Kyle)
Turtle_shelds Busch (Kyle)
Vothski Busch (Kurt)
wdoyle66 Logano
WGI Logano
will_estep47 Busch (Kyle)
willh94 Busch (Kyle)
YragNodrog Johnson
ztew Logano

OK, now that we’ve gotten that out of the way…let’s look at the points. Nine people correctly picked Matt Kenseth at New Hampshire, which earns them a free pass to the next round (I gave them 1,000 points to signify this).

Here are the standings after New Hampshire, plus your Dover picks (most people went with Jimmie Johnson, obviously).

Note: The current cutoff for the next round is 52 points. If you have 52 points or more, you’re currently in. If not, you’re currently out.

Twitter ID Points Dover
prettymonkey 1043 Johnson
jflittle 1039 Johnson
Matthew_Ryan4 1039 Harvick
bharden94 1037 Johnson
jay_wilkins17 1037 Johnson
PhotoMatt_KCCO 1036 Johnson
rblgrl95 1033 Johnson
kimery 1006 Logano
hellrod4 1003 Johnson
CJSully 87 Johnson
RMOOREJR99 87 Busch (Kyle)
BZieg66 86 Johnson
AndyDow13 84 Johnson
BradBoggz 84 Johnson
fatbuzz66 84 Johnson
mattyg00dtimes 84 Johnson
nancymcb88 84 Gordon
ryanhorne1028 84 Johnson
ShowtimeChase 84 Edwards
Speedway_Steve 84 Johnson
ahaywood7 83 Johnson
Ahsumdude 83 Johnson
briang3386 83 Johnson
clarinetbiter13 83 Edwards
Gary88Marion 83 Johnson
NSCRtruckFAN 83 Johnson
jcnewton42 82 Johnson
cdaviswx 81 Busch (Kyle)
chekrs_or_rekrs 81 Johnson
claytonroots 81 Kenseth
Cracks1313 81 Johnson
jke_4 81 Truex
KJL1521 81 Johnson
kristidbm 81 Johnson
krsheart 81 Johnson
marc_b 81 Johnson
maureenholt 81 Johnson
mrirond 81 Johnson
theglenprez 81 Edwards
ztew 81 Johnson
bite 80 Johnson
hoopngoofy73 80 Keselowski
jordanthenascar 80 Johnson
ShaunPresley48 80 Johnson
spalmer88 80 Gordon
bshell00 79 Kenseth
idkadte 79 Busch (Kyle)
BScharfschwerdt 78 Johnson
CodfishCodfish 78 Johnson
cswiecki84 78 Harvick
JAGillespie90 78 Johnson
Andrea__Marie 77 Gordon
cinmenn 77 Johnson
dabrowmatt 77 Busch (Kyle)
dallasjunebug 77 Busch (Kyle)
ILuvthe88and78 77 Johnson
Jayua 77 Harvick
JimHogle 77 Harvick
JohnsonErikM 77 Johnson
The_GreenFlag 77 Johnson
wdoyle66 77 Johnson
bobdare18 76 Johnson
DRM3CIX 76 Johnson
1Outlawbandit 75 Keselowski
sewacter 75 Johnson
b_Verba 74 Busch (Kyle)
benthurman 73 Kenseth
Chad_Reno13 73 Johnson
jenbrott 73 Johnson
jjrs18 73 Johnson
PackerDuke 73 Johnson
RatedK13 73 Johnson
SubmarineMike88 73 Johnson
billy_dowdy 72 Johnson
HotStoverReport 72 Johnson
Matt_E_Robinson 72 Johnson
Peidelaney 72 Earnhardt
Megan48x6 71 Johnson
AndrewWaldrop 70 Busch (Kyle)
Cborgninjagumby 70 Johnson
Fhatmaker 70 Johnson
Jess43x8 70 Johnson
Jrioux_ 70 Johnson
stevemichalik 66 Johnson
ChrisHarvey33 65 Logano
dgoodin24 65 Gordon
hzirbel 65 Busch (Kyle)
justinleedy 64 Johnson
Kathy 64 Truex
kevmastro 64 Johnson
lastlapgo29 64 Johnson
Chevy3dude 62 Johnson
Jbelote24 62 Johnson
RealJDogg_82 62 Johnson
rlberryyogi 62 Hamlin
TheOrangeCone 61 Johnson
Vothski 61 Johnson
KevinRHatfield 55 Johnson
TreyKeesee 53 Johnson
CjACK1078 52 Johnson
Jeremy_Sparks 50 Johnson
jojoluvs18 50 Harvick
RyanLMcCollough 50 Johnson
Senna94 50 Truex
tampawriter89 50 Johnson
Turtle_shelds 50 Johnson
chasedaddy88 49 Johnson
dallasjhawk 49 Johnson
jclea1130 49 Johnson
MagnumPE 49 Johnson
quickdraw222 49 Johnson
will_estep47 49 Johnson
1youngster1 47 Johnson
bigmohermitage 47 Johnson
BPierce158 47 Johnson
Chargin_Chuck 47 Logano
corymcglone 47 Johnson
dmcgrew 47 Busch (Kyle)
herewego75 47 Johnson
Nuggie99 47 Johnson
ProducerTed971 47 Johnson
Sushilegs 47 Johnson
TLeeG 47 Johnson
WGI 47 Busch (Kyle)
willh94 47 Johnson
chrisonethree 46 Kenseth
clebren45 46 Johnson
jeffgh24 46 Gordon
joebeck24 46 Gordon
Kyle_Steffen 46 Johnson
LossiePrice 46 Johnson
Macd_6 46 Earnhardt
ocdizneygirl 46 Johnson
oldguyjk 46 Johnson
RowdyBug 46 Johnson
shadygator 46 Johnson
shaneiliff 46 Truex
smithsan 46 Johnson
snowybwm 46 Harvick
The_real_tc_ 46 Johnson
8spokesontheb24 44 Johnson
AlekBalvanz 44 Johnson
ChaseDaniels88 44 Johnson
codydawg 44 Logano
debkeat 44 Johnson
dhopkinsjr 44 Johnson
DRLDeBoer 44 Busch (Kyle)
JoeyLoganoFan22 44 Johnson
jsugi48 44 Johnson
klund29 44 Truex
LSHenshaw 44 Busch (Kyle)
LuvsHMS48 44 Edwards
3Dingo 43 Johnson
evan_graf 43 Johnson
JHuchingson 43 Johnson
joey4542001 43 Johnson
Jsteen234 43 Johnson
Julie_huth 43 Newman
katiecole125 43 Johnson
longtimeracefan 43 Johnson
NotInRioLinda 43 Johnson
Rsunstrom 43 Johnson
SunFunRach 43 Johnson
thatGrogan 43 Johnson
damorgan86 42 Johnson
cool1982 41 Harvick
dickiep1018 41 Kenseth
JTonQ 41 Johnson
YragNodrog 41 Busch (Kyle)
arlenekrue 40 Johnson
Nickler6 40 Kenseth
Racinangel24 40 Johnson
Jasonanderson55 39 Johnson
Jblohse 39 Harvick
stephenlochner 39 Johnson
thndrnghrd24 39 Johnson
dfairhurst2448 38 Johnson
Cgros127 36 Johnson
damorga1 36 Johnson
Huth88 36 Johnson
mikemcvea 36 Logano
rjalias 36 Kenseth
JRs_Creations 28 Johnson
Mhouser88 28 Harvick
Mrittenhouse84 28 Harvick
07vanquish 16 Johnson
CoachJasonWesr 13 Johnson
Sarah_Boyer_ 13 Johnson
Stewcrew14 13 Johnson
coolswagjay 10 Johnson
E4budfan 10 Johnson
furcick 10 Johnson
heyMurf 10 Johnson
iamaaronwhite 10 Johnson
igtamerica 10 Busch (Kyle)
kevinkletti 10 Johnson
MaximeB92 10 Johnson
roxnascarf9 10 Johnson
trv240sx 10 Kenseth