Fantasy Chase picks: Daytona 500

Here we go with the first set of picks for the Fantasy Chase game.

Remember, if you haven’t signed up, you can still do so here: Signup link. But it’s now too late to make a Daytona 500 pick (sorry).

Here are the picks for Daytona in alphabetical order by Twitter ID. Dale Earnhardt Jr. is the obvious favorite (duh).

Twitter ID   Daytona 500
_Carlton Earnhardt Jr.
1_an_only_watty Hamlin
1996lineman Busch (Kurt)
1andonlybriton Earnhardt Jr.
1youngster1 Earnhardt Jr.
43packerdog Kenseth
49elessar Johnson
50_chgreer Kenseth
A_Hyre88 Earnhardt Jr.
AaronBearden93 Earnhardt Jr.
abadacejr182288 Earnhardt Jr.
absolutezero10 Earnhardt Jr.
Adam_Huth Other
Adamdulski Other
AdamGilliland81 Earnhardt Jr.
adamniemeyer Earnhardt Jr.
aestrada7 Earnhardt Jr.
ahaywood7 Johnson
AJsTake Logano
AlekBalvanz Earnhardt Jr.
algola Earnhardt Jr.
alter40 Harvick
amandac141 Earnhardt Jr.
AndrewGresenz Earnhardt Jr.
AndyDow13 Earnhardt Jr.
andylnava Harvick
andypiercefield Other
annoyingracefan Other
Anthony_barbone Edwards
arittle82 Earnhardt Jr.
arlenekrue Earnhardt Jr.
ArtistNancyNuce Other
ashaver13 Busch (Kurt)
ashinyobject Other
b_miller27 Edwards
b_verba Earnhardt Jr.
Badger_282 Johnson
BadGroove Busch (Kurt)
bailey_queen Earnhardt Jr.
batchley3 Earnhardt Jr.
Bcragg12 Other
becproc32 Other
bflo360 Earnhardt Jr.
bharden94 Hamlin
bhauff_549 Earnhardt Jr.
biggest4fan Earnhardt Jr.
billy_dowdy Earnhardt Jr.
BillyBlue37 Earnhardt Jr.
bjpcyclone Earnhardt Jr.
blackhawker81 Other
Bleichjesse Earnhardt Jr.
bobdare18 Earnhardt Jr.
boluce78 Earnhardt Jr.
bossmom321 Logano
Bouchard8833 Earnhardt Jr.
BPierce158 Earnhardt Jr.
Bpolking Other
BradBaker81 Earnhardt Jr.
BradBoggz Hamlin
brandirpitts Earnhardt Jr.
BrantsAccount Earnhardt Jr.
BrentWright24 Earnhardt Jr.
Bretmalone19 Other
Breweripa Logano
BrianCullather Earnhardt Jr.
briang3386 Earnhardt Jr.
Briankertscher Earnhardt Jr.
briankupp Earnhardt Jr.
britahearn Earnhardt Jr.
BScharfschwerdt Kenseth
BSHELL00 Hamlin
Btownbombers18 Johnson
BurlRolett Earnhardt Jr.
campbell_sh Earnhardt Jr.
cannon_jen Earnhardt Jr.
Captain_Bert Earnhardt Jr.
CaptComeback Earnhardt Jr.
cards_fan_66 Earnhardt Jr.
Carlajarvi Earnhardt Jr.
CARSTourDigest Other
caseylandrum15 Hamlin
CGPanda Harvick
Cgros127 Earnhardt Jr.
chadalmond10 Earnhardt Jr.
chasedaddy88 Earnhardt Jr.
Chevy3dude Earnhardt Jr.
chris_siebold22 Earnhardt Jr.
ChrisHarvey33 Johnson
chrismorgan1287 Hamlin
chrisse80 Earnhardt Jr.
chrisskreager Busch (Kurt)
chrisstamper5 Earnhardt Jr.
Christian_Racin Kenseth
Chrls14 Other
chuck_atl Earnhardt Jr.
CJLecher Earnhardt Jr.
clarinetbiter13 Earnhardt Jr.
Clint8813 Other
Clintljones Other
Cmac1840 Hamlin
Cmdavis01 Earnhardt Jr.
CMoncsko3n32 Earnhardt Jr.
cmphili Other
coach1228 Earnhardt Jr.
cocobeware33 Earnhardt Jr.
Cody_Masse Earnhardt Jr.
CodyMcGhee4real Keselowski
con_co_b Busch (Kyle)
court_cloutier Earnhardt Jr.
cpeuterb Hamlin
craigweber33 Harvick
crmtdeno1 Earnhardt Jr.
Crossbowftw3 Harvick
cswiecki84 Keselowski
curiousrhinos Earnhardt Jr.
dabrowmatt Earnhardt Jr.
Dalejrscar Earnhardt Jr.
dallasjhawk Busch (Kurt)
damorgan86 Earnhardt Jr.
Dan_Hope Earnhardt Jr.
Daniels_Caudill Other
danikamriggs Other
DarrenEvans01 Earnhardt Jr.
DaveTom1124 Earnhardt Jr.
David.miaso Earnhardt Jr.
db6speed Busch (Kyle)
DDeFruscio Edwards
Dean15loftin Hamlin
DennisBarkerJr Earnhardt Jr.
derekmcl1817 Earnhardt Jr.
Devin_Herr Earnhardt Jr.
dgoodin24 Johnson
Digertwo Edwards
DillonSims Busch (Kurt)
dillsburg Other
DJstatman482454 Earnhardt Jr.
dmcgrew Johnson
drlaswell48 Earnhardt Jr.
DustinAlbino Earnhardt Jr.
Dutchfunctional Other
dwilwer Earnhardt Jr.
echo837 Earnhardt Jr.
edeme3 Earnhardt Jr.
ejkoolkid13 Busch (Kyle)
ekb2p Logano
ElijahWhosoever Earnhardt Jr.
Ellemccrone Entry deadline passed for this race; pick other races
erica242424 Earnhardt Jr.
Ericgar62 Earnhardt Jr.
EricKChmiel Earnhardt Jr.
EricSoderburg Other
erikscheub Other
erinthetraveler Hamlin
ETSmith09 Earnhardt Jr.
Fatump44 Earnhardt Jr.
fbme4 Earnhardt Jr.
Feltz14 Hamlin
Fhatmaker Harvick
FinleyFactor Earnhardt Jr.
Firextgman Earnhardt Jr.
Forrest55 Earnhardt Jr.
ftimcollins Harvick
g_man_joe Logano
gail0590 Earnhardt Jr.
Gary88Marion Earnhardt Jr.
GDB24ever Hamlin
ghollenhead Earnhardt Jr.
gibsterville Kenseth
glennbehave Earnhardt Jr.
goldsworthysae Earnhardt Jr.
Gottajibboo7 Johnson
greenfield88 Harvick
gregmmiller Other
GregNardine Earnhardt Jr.
GriffinEldred Edwards
grooter4 Earnhardt Jr.
Groupsects Earnhardt Jr.
Grrrowlguy Earnhardt Jr.
gypsy530 Earnhardt Jr.
hanklee89 Keselowski
Harryhood10 Harvick
HazelGatorGirl Other
HD388 Earnhardt Jr.
HeavyRightFoot Earnhardt Jr.
helenj50 Hamlin
hereforSR Earnhardt Jr.
hzirbel Earnhardt Jr.
IggyZogspot Earnhardt Jr.
ILuvthe88and78 Earnhardt Jr.
Imsteveking Earnhardt Jr.
ineedclarity14 Harvick
Iowanascarfan Earnhardt Jr.
Jabo4_Fan Hamlin
jacksond09 Other
Jamiewallace15 Earnhardt Jr.
JasonD2k14 Harvick
JayJayDean Earnhardt Jr.
jccavins Earnhardt Jr.
Jcewing0614 Earnhardt Jr.
Jddorman2 Earnhardt Jr.
jedyotesfan Earnhardt Jr.
jeffgh24 Other
jeffschmidt71 Earnhardt Jr.
jenbrott Other
jeremiahdavis10 Earnhardt Jr.
Jeremy_Sparks Earnhardt Jr.
Jess43x8 Earnhardt Jr.
jessbartzick Johnson
jesse_696969 Earnhardt Jr.
JG24Wife Hamlin
Jgmfan Earnhardt Jr.
JHuchingson Earnhardt Jr.
Jim_Udder Earnhardt Jr.
jimmysand1 Earnhardt Jr.
JimRouse96 Hamlin
JimSannes Other
JJ48524 Hamlin
jjroy64029 Other
Joe94wilde Other
joebeck24 Earnhardt Jr.
joey4542001 Earnhardt Jr.
JoeyLoganoFan22 Logano
johnbbatdorf Earnhardt Jr.
johnnyracer24 Harvick
JohnPerdue Earnhardt Jr.
JohnsonErikM Earnhardt Jr.
jojoluvs18 Earnhardt Jr.
JonCowan08 Earnhardt Jr.
Josefpramirez Busch (Kyle)
JosephMMcBride Earnhardt Jr.
JoshBralley Earnhardt Jr.
joshclark018 Earnhardt Jr.
joshlook24 Keselowski
JoshuaCloninger Other
jpbdteach12 Earnhardt Jr.
Jraymond87 Johnson
Jrdrift01 Earnhardt Jr.
jrgreatdriver Earnhardt Jr.
Jrioux_ Earnhardt Jr.
jrock2481 Hamlin
Jsf354 Earnhardt Jr.
jshanerector Earnhardt Jr.
jshellabarger11 Hamlin
jsmith123nv Logano
jsoupzzz Other
jsteen234 Earnhardt Jr.
JTonQ Earnhardt Jr.
JustinC_Webster Earnhardt Jr.
justinleedy Johnson
justinnett Earnhardt Jr.
Justjay74 Edwards
Karimcgowanhob Earnhardt Jr.
katiecole125 Earnhardt Jr.
Kaylamarieklahn Earnhardt Jr.
kcirtaphcir Hamlin
Keith_Marek Earnhardt Jr.
kennethriggs Other
KevinRHatfield Earnhardt Jr.
kevmastro Hamlin
Kfisher88 Earnhardt Jr.
kgee61 Edwards
khard17 Busch (Kurt)
Kharvfanfla15 Other
Kimery Earnhardt Jr.
Kingtut2110 Earnhardt Jr.
kjfinks22champ Keselowski
Klightbown Earnhardt Jr.
Kraig_Doremus Earnhardt Jr.
kristidbm Earnhardt Jr.
KristinaFulk Earnhardt Jr.
Kristinsteede Earnhardt Jr.
KyleRice88 Earnhardt Jr.
l_meister Earnhardt Jr.
l70uke Other
lance_sells Earnhardt Jr.
LeeB4mk20 Harvick
Leonletitride Earnhardt Jr.
LetKurtRace Keselowski
letseatsomedirt Logano
Liam_redford Johnson
Lmr88 Earnhardt Jr.
LoganReardon20 Earnhardt Jr.
Logybayer Earnhardt Jr.
Lowes48isgreat Johnson
LSHenshaw Earnhardt Jr.
Lucas_LaBonte Earnhardt Jr.
Luke_kane58 Earnhardt Jr.
M_Barbone Keselowski
MAButz Earnhardt Jr.
macd_6 Earnhardt Jr.
Maddog2020 Earnhardt Jr.
Magic1980 Earnhardt Jr.
MagnumPE Earnhardt Jr.
marc_b Earnhardt Jr.
marcusmacc829 Other
mariah_gary Earnhardt Jr.
mark_ligon Earnhardt Jr.
Mark_mello818 Logano
MarkRH Other
markvphotos Kenseth
marlinjones133 Earnhardt Jr.
marty11196 Earnhardt Jr.
martychard Earnhardt Jr.
matt_toasty Earnhardt Jr.
Mattbunn01 Earnhardt Jr.
mattcribbs Earnhardt Jr.
Mattdobson_7 Earnhardt Jr.
Matthew_Ryan4 Earnhardt Jr.
mattley_crue Earnhardt Jr.
MattNicholson10 Earnhardt Jr.
MaximeB92 Earnhardt Jr.
MBishopPhotos Earnhardt Jr.
mbrendle2 Other
McAdamsNick1 Keselowski
MChance129 Hamlin
MeriJmeri Other
MFroger Harvick
mhawkATL Earnhardt Jr.
Mhouser88 Earnhardt Jr.
MiamiWinR Kenseth
Michaelclehmann Earnhardt Jr.
michaeldanger19 Earnhardt Jr.
michaeljrspeers Kenseth
MichaelKaluknak Keselowski
Mike Farlinger Earnhardt Jr.
mikemcvea Busch (Kyle)
MikeS_127 Earnhardt Jr.
MitchellB66 Keselowski
mmarkaholic Earnhardt Jr.
MoWhi Earnhardt Jr.
Mr_BR8SIDE Earnhardt Jr.
mrittenhouse84 Earnhardt Jr.
mstjohn_ Earnhardt Jr.
msudawg7880 Hamlin
nascarcasm Keselowski
nate_cook3 Busch (Kurt)
nickkocuba10 Earnhardt Jr.
nickler6 Earnhardt Jr.
nitsud13007 Hamlin
nuggie99 Johnson
Nuyiwanski Harvick
NYR_FreakyFast4 Harvick
oldguyjk Earnhardt Jr.
oldsporttlt Busch (Kurt)
orngflmngo Keselowski
Ost1ng Earnhardt Jr.
over7par Earnhardt Jr.
OzManCometh26 Johnson
PackerDuke Harvick
pamnielsen Earnhardt Jr.
patmal_8 Hamlin
patriotindiana Earnhardt Jr.
paulineemma Other
PAXLS Earnhardt Jr.
Peidelaney Keselowski
PenskeFan22122 Keselowski
Pete__uk Johnson
PhotoMatt_KCCO Earnhardt Jr.
Pilot_jeff Truex
PlankShow Earnhardt Jr.
Plouffe24Fan Earnhardt Jr.
Plumbcrzy Other
Poconojoe24 Busch (Kurt)
pwn3d781 Earnhardt Jr.
quinnicans08 Other
race4timbergirl Kenseth
Race5599 Earnhardt Jr.
RacingBedgood Logano
Racingwench Earnhardt Jr.
RandomNASCARFan Other
rblgrl95 Harvick
rcracer20 Hamlin
rdgordon Busch (Kyle)
readymixchick Earnhardt Jr.
Realharrington1 Earnhardt Jr.
recjus85 Other
Riaelinor Earnhardt Jr.
RichGuy24 Earnhardt Jr.
RIRPrez Busch (Kyle)
RJalias Earnhardt Jr.
rjwaggs007 Earnhardt Jr.
Rlaffertyatc Earnhardt Jr.
rlberryyogi Earnhardt Jr.
rluke029 Harvick
Rmonk2881 Earnhardt Jr.
Rmonk8181 Earnhardt Jr.
RobCMiller00 Earnhardt Jr.
robertrich Earnhardt Jr.
robsbigfish Earnhardt Jr.
RossTaylor3_88 Earnhardt Jr.
ROXRACIN Earnhardt Jr.
rustdigity Earnhardt Jr.
Ry_24 Earnhardt Jr.
ryan2929 Earnhardt Jr.
RyanHep24 Busch (Kurt)
ryanhorne1028 Earnhardt Jr.
savannahpr16 Earnhardt Jr.
Schmoe84 Earnhardt Jr.
scottaltimaman Johnson
ScottWilfong Edwards
scuddystud Earnhardt Jr.
Sebring88 Truex
seemsuncertain Earnhardt Jr.
Senna94 Other
SGW3188 Earnhardt Jr.
shaneiliff Earnhardt Jr.
SheldenReynolds Earnhardt Jr.
ShowtimeChase Kenseth
silentnpale Other
SilversteinPaul Other
SJRenko22 Other
slick_track Earnhardt Jr.
Smally127 Earnhardt Jr.
Smids09 Earnhardt Jr.
Smith98102 Other
smithsan Busch (Kyle)
snowybwm Harvick
soller00 Earnhardt Jr.
SouthernNutmeg Earnhardt Jr.
spadilly Earnhardt Jr.
Spencergary Earnhardt Jr.
spencergogol Other
stale_dorito Other
stephenlochner Hamlin
stevemcl68 Busch (Kyle)
SteveRuth1 Hamlin
Stolyaviatrs32 Earnhardt Jr.
sublump Earnhardt Jr.
SubmarineMIke88 Earnhardt Jr.
SuperBee24 Earnhardt Jr.
Surlymalcontent Harvick
T_fresh94 Kenseth
T_Hughes17 Hamlin
T_VanDenHeuvel Earnhardt Jr.
TalladegaVT Earnhardt Jr.
tampawriter89 Earnhardt Jr.
Tannera94 Hamlin
Tater01 Johnson
TeamNewman31 Earnhardt Jr.
teb41360 Logano
Techno_muse Hamlin
terrymadill Other
TerrySm88451466 Earnhardt Jr.
Terryweems Johnson
TerryWilfong Harvick
Tezmo8 Other
thatbuzz_1225 Other
THE_mrcase Earnhardt Jr.
the_real_tc_ Earnhardt Jr.
Thebigshmoog Johnson
TheDrewCrook Other
thejosh20 Harvick
themattweber Hamlin
TheOrangeCone Johnson
ThePanamaTed Earnhardt Jr.
THIB24 Earnhardt Jr.
Thunder_Cat_4 Harvick
timbankerjr Hamlin
TimMastroDSN Earnhardt Jr.
Toby_Christie Earnhardt Jr.
TonyS24_43 Busch (Kyle)
Toyotavols Busch (Kyle)
Travisparks24 Earnhardt Jr.
TrentTholstrup Earnhardt Jr.
turbojunker Other
Tweet_Till Earnhardt Jr.
TysonLaut23 Keselowski
vasteve(dad) Harvick
vasteve(son) Earnhardt Jr.
velvetkat Earnhardt Jr.
vern30stein Johnson
veston75 Earnhardt Jr.
VinnieV77 Earnhardt Jr.
wesstull Earnhardt Jr.
Will_reich33 Johnson
williambabcock Earnhardt Jr.
wilwielgosz Busch (Kyle)
wis41fan Busch (Kurt)
wpxiDoubleOnes Other
wyocat50 Busch (Kyle)
Yoshski13 Earnhardt Jr.
yousailor2 Earnhardt Jr.
Yragnodrog Kenseth
ZHorrallBU Hamlin
Ztew Earnhardt Jr.
ZTsmiley Johnson

Fantasy Chase 2016 entries now open

Annnnnnnnnnd we’re back! Welcome to the third edition of the Fantasy Chase game.

Once again, the game is completely FREE. There are no catches to this. The reason I’m doing this is because I enjoy competing with you guys and it’s fun to have something else to talk about on Twitter.

All you need to do is submit your picks with your Twitter name (which will be published weekly in the standings) and your email address (which will be kept private and only used to contact those who make the Fantasy Chase).

The winner gets bragging rights and a hand-me-down media gift at the end of the season (a Dale Call and a backpack have been the two prizes so far).

The rules this year are basically the same as last year except for a BIG TWIST you can read about below:


  • When you submit your picks, you have to pick every available race. Once you press “submit” on your entry, that’s it for the regular season.
  • You can pick any driver (from a list of 2015 winners or “Other”) as many times as you like. If you want to pick Kevin Harvick every week, go ahead. If you pick “Other” and a non-2015 winner goes to victory lane, you get credit for a win.
  • You make the Fantasy Chase if you have five or more wins in the regular season. The format for the Fantasy Chase itself will be announced in September.

****!!!! BIG TWIST ALERT !!!!****

The big twist for this year is you do not have to submit your picks prior to the Daytona 500. You can submit your picks ANY TIME during the regular season.

This means if you want to wait until Las Vegas or even the Coke 600 to get an idea of who is running well, you can. However, the longer you wait, the more risk you take that you won’t reach five wins.

Remember, you get one entry and once you submit it, that’s it for the season. So time it wisely.

At some point on the day of each race, I’ll delete that week’s race from the entry form to ensure no one enters after the race has begun. So if you’re waiting to enter until a certain week, make sure you do it the day before the race at the latest.

Shoot me a tweet @jeff_gluck if you have any questions. Good luck!

DJ Khaled, King of Snapchat, needs to be part of your life

If you have Snapchat, you need to be following DJ Khaled. If you don’t have Snapchat, it’s a reason to start.

I was only vaguely familiar with Khaled until recently. I knew the song “All I Do Is Win” but that was pretty much it. But then people on Twitter started talking about Khaled’s snaps, reciting his catchphrases (“Bless Up,” “Another One,” etc.). There was a buzz about it, so I started following him in early December.

I’ve been fascinated ever since. There’s insight into the celebrity life, sure — he has a waterside mansion in Miami and lives like a baller, riding his elevator to breakfast and jet-skiing — but his daily doses of motivation are what really sets his social media presence apart from any other star I’ve seen.

The common theme for most of Khaled’s snaps are the keys to success (he uses a key emoji to represent this) and how you can achieve them while also avoiding the pitfalls along the way.

He often talks about what “they don’t want us to have.” They don’t want us to enjoy breakfast, he says. They don’t want us to work out. They don’t want us to win — so we’ll win more.

It’s fun and entertaining, like his other expressions as part of his daily routine when he’s home (he waters the lion statue in his backyard and says, “LI-ON!” and has his personal chef, Chef Dee, tell us what’s for breakfast and lunch).

But there’s a lot of truth in what he’s saying. Specifically about they.

Khaled wants us to surround ourselves with positive people who support us. They — the haters, the detractors, the critics, the negative influences — don’t want us to win. They don’t want us to succeed.

Sadly, that’s very true. There’s so much jealousy and envy toward others today, and it manifests itself into bitterness. I’m guilty of this at times, admittedly. And it’s a dangerous emotion.

In that same way, you have to be conscious that not everyone is happy for you. Not everyone wants to see you do well. The more success you have, the less some people will like you.

I think that’s what Khaled is saying in his snaps. And I love that reminder, because it’s a message to value the people around you who really have your best interests at heart. That’s how you win at life.

We all could use a little daily motivation about what really matters on the pathway to success, as Khaled calls it. He invites us to walk with him as he shares the secrets.

They don’t want you to accept his invitation. But you should.

DJ Khaled can be found on Snapchat at djkhaled305. For a sampling of his sayings, check out this site.

Five observations from a first-time trip to the Middle East

We just got back from a 10-day honeymoon in the Middle East, where we visted the United Arab Emirates, Oman and (very briefly) Jordan.

This was my first time traveling to that region of the world, and I didn’t really know what to expect. I knew Dubai would be like Las Vegas on steroids (just without the gambling and drinking) and the basics of how to conduct ourselves (no inappropriate clothes in public, no PDAs outside of holding hands).

But there were plenty of things that caught me a bit off-guard. If you’ve never been to that area, here are five things you might be surprised to learn. (Apologies in advance for my ignorance if you’re a world traveler who already knows this stuff, but it was new to me.)

1) English was everywhere

It was easier to navigate through the UAE (at least Dubai and Abu Dhabi), Oman and Jordan that it was for us in Europe.

Every single person we met spoke English and all the signs were in both Arabic and English. This made it smoother for us to get around than even in places like Paris or Rome — not only concerning transportation, but ordering food. I was a bit surprised about this, but we were told the primary schools all teach English there and it’s something they grow up with.

I figured surely the cab drivers or waiters at some places might only speak Arabic, but that wasn’t the case. It was easy to communicate.

2) People were super friendly

You would expect people at hotels or working in the tourism industry to be friendly — that’s their job — and they certainly were. Dubai especially is a magnet for tourists. But the locals we encountered were also very warm toward us (and quite frankly, given all the headlines lately, I wasn’t sure how Americans would be received).

A couple quick examples of this:

— In Oman, we were seated near a table of four Omani men who were probably in their 60s or 70s. One of them approached us and asked if we were Americans.

I was thinking, “Uh, this might not be good.” My guard was up a little bit. But I said we were (it was obvious anyway, as it’s hard to blend in there and not be noticed).

The man smiled and said, “Welcome to Oman, we are happy to have you here.”

Huh. Can you imagine that happening in our country? Two foreigners sitting in a restaurant and an American approaches them and says, “Welcome to America” with a smile?

— On New Year’s Eve when we were trying to get out of the area following The Address hotel fire, the roads were closed and we followed some people who hopped over a barricade and started walking through a construction site (road work next to a highway). I realize that probably wasn’t a smart idea, but we didn’t have many options at the time and were trying to reach a Metro station.

As it turned out, it was still an active site despite it being 11 p.m. on New Year’s Eve! Construction workers were in there working, which we didn’t realize until we got pretty deep into the road work.

Suddenly, a man in a hard hat flagged us down and motioned for us to stop. I thought, “Uh oh, we just got ourselves in trouble.”

But instead of yelling at us, he extended his hand to shake mine and calmly said, “Where are you trying to go?” I explained there was a big fire, the roads were closed en route to the Metro and we were trying to get out of the area. He gently patted me on the back and guided us toward a side exit from the site, which let us out exactly on the road we needed!

Again, can you imagine that happening if someone walked into a construction site in the U.S.? Things like that, along with people stopping to ask if we needed help when we looked lost, left us very impressed by the people we encountered during our visit. We were never made to feel uncomfortable or unwelcome by anyone.

3) Everywhere we went in the UAE was clean


There seemed to be a big emphasis on keeping things clean there — and not just at the hotels and airports.

For example, the vast majority of public restrooms had people in them who were cleaning up after every person. They’d go in the stall after someone came out or clean the sink after someone used it. It wasn’t like the people in airport bathrooms who are trying to get tips for handing you a towel; they were janitor types who hustled to clean up after everyone. That was the case even when we went to a public park — there were people in the restrooms cleaning, cleaning, cleaning.

Also, when we ate at the mall food court or a place like that, people would come get your trays and clean your table as soon as you stood up. On our trip there was always someone mopping a floor, cleaning windows, sweeping, etc.

4) Prayers, religion and Christmas

As you might know, Muslims are called to pray five times a day. And being in a Muslim country, these prayers were broadcasted in the malls and on the streets or any other public place (they’d pause the Nicki Minaj or Drake song for a few minutes to play the prayers).

I’m sure there’s an explanation for this and you’ll have to excuse my ignorance on the topic, but we were surprised that we never saw anyone stop and pray. I thought when the prayers rang out on the loudspeakers, we would see people drop to their knees and start praying. But in malls or restaurants or walking around, people just kept going about their business or eating or talking (even those who were wearing religious dress). There were prayer rooms in the malls and hotels which we’d see people go into at times, but it wasn’t like everything suddenly stopped.

Also, Christmas was everywhere there. Christmas trees, Christmas music, Christmas decorations. This was true for all three countries we visited. People would wish us “Merry Christmas” (again, it was sort of obvious we weren’t from around there). I didn’t expect that, and I didn’t expect they’d still be playing Christmas music (in hotels and malls) when we left on Jan. 4 — longer than they do in the U.S.!

One thing, though: None of the signs said “Christmas.” It said “Festive season” or “Festive period.” Like there wouldn’t be a “Christmas sale” in a store window but a “Festive season sale.”

5) Dress and customs

Some of the areas we visted were so upscale and modern, with so many Western businesses (they had seemingly every chain store and restaurant we have here), we agreed it could be just another fancy area in the United States if we didn’t know any better.

But then you’d see how people were dressed, and that was all out the window. The clothes were the one big difference and a constant reminder of where we were. Women were dressed mostly in abayas (the black cloaks), and about half of them wore veils so you could only see their eyes. The men mostly wore white robes (thobes) with the traditional headscarves.

Tourists could wear normal clothes, but women were supposed to cover up from their shoulders to their knees in public (not counting places like the beach or the hotel pool). This didn’t seem like the kind of thing the police would stop you for, but it was more just offensive to them. My guess is it would be like if someone were at a football game in the U.S. and didn’t take their hat off for the national anthem — that level of offensive. You wouldn’t get arrested for it, but people would think, “How rude.”

It was different for the two mosques we visted (Sarah and other tourist women had to borrow abayas to wear inside), but in public places it was OK as long as the clothes were somewhat conservative.

Anyway, I’m certainly not claiming these things are the same in places like Saudi Arabia. Every country is different and we spent our time in very Western-friendly areas. But at least for the places we visited, it was eye-opening in ways I didn’t expect.

Vacation photo-sharing etiquette: What’s acceptable?

Our honeymoon starts this week, and I can’t wait to go. We’re headed to a part of the world neither of us have been before, which will make it feel like an adventure.

Naturally, we’re going to take a lot of pictures. But when it comes to sharing those pictures on social media, I feel hesitant for a few reasons.

Mainly, how much is too much?

These days, it feels normal to want to share something cool you’re seeing with other people. It’s almost harder to keep it to yourself.

But we all follow people who overshare their trips on Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, etc. And it can be annoying, because it sometimes feels more like they’re bragging than sharing. You’re like, “OK, I get it, geez. Good for you. Ugh.”

Plus, you start to wonder how much those people are actually taking the time to enjoy their trip versus just posting about it.

I don’t want to be “that guy” and I also don’t want people to think I’m ignoring my wife on our honeymoon by sharing on social media! Maybe I care too much about other people’s perceptions, but knowing my own views on vacation over-sharers, I’m quite conscious of it.

Still, I don’t know where the line is. Is it the sheer volume that makes vacation pictures cross from enjoyable to irritating, or is it the way they’re presented (the “look at me, look how great this is!” mentality)? I’m not sure.

I tend to err more on the conservative side of sharing trip photos, especially since many people following me are a lot of hard-working, blue-collar NASCAR fans who might not have the opportunity to rack up the frequent flyer miles and hotel points that result in free vacations (that’s how we travel).

The goal of sharing trip photos should be to bring your friends and followers along with you and give them a peek at what you’re seeing and experiencing so they can feel like they’re there, too. But if you go too far, you’re just rubbing it in and making people resent you.

So where’s the line? I’ll be curious to hear your thoughts.

Survivor analysis: The final seven and what Tasha should do

The Dec. 9 episode of Survivor figures to be crucial in determining who makes it to the end — and perhaps who wins it all in Cambodia.

And after last week, we can see what’s coming: Tasha’s decision will make or break several games.

If you recall, Kimmi proposed an all-women alliance in the previous episode before Joe was booted. With four women remaining and three men, this could potentially make for the final four if Tasha chooses to go that direction.

Tasha told her current alliance (voting bloc?) — Spencer and Jeremy — about the possibility, which was surprisingly straightforward and perhaps a miscalculation when it comes to strategy. She took away her own element of surprise should she choose to go that direction.

And let’s be honest: She should go with the women if she wants to win. Tasha isn’t going to beat Jeremy at final tribal council (no one is if he makes it) and probably wouldn’t beat Spencer, either.

But she would beat Kimmi, Wentworth and Abi — as well as Keith, if he somehow wasn’t picked off with the other guys.

So no matter who wins immunity in Wednesday’s episode — whatever Tasha decides will change the game. The smartest play would be to cut ties with Jeremy and Spencer before it’s too late.

Which direction will she go? The fact she came straight to that pair to tell them about Kimmi’s plan indicates she has a high degree of loyalty to them, and maybe she won’t betray them. If that’s the case, she’d just need Keith to get on board with voting out someone like Wentworth or Abi and it’d be done. Then that gives a high likelihood of either Spencer, Jeremy or both in the finals (assuming it’s a final three).

Of course, no one knows Wentworth has another hidden immunity idol — which could shake things up — and the same goes for Jeremy. But if Jeremy survives this week, the time is approaching where he’ll have to play his idol anyway (you can only play it up until the final five tribal council because you can’t use an idol to make the final three).

Tasha could still have the numbers, though, if she does it the right way with the all-women alliance. I’m not saying that would be my preferred choice, by the way — I want to see Jeremy or Spencer win at this point — but it’s the smartest thing she could do.


Thanks to Rob Has A Podcast for the inspiration on this post. I’ve discovered RHAP this season, and his Survivor Know It Alls (referenced by usual co-host Stephen Fishbach several times on the show) and exit interviews of players who were voted out are must-listens every week. I can’t believe it took me so long to start listening to it — highly recommend it if you love strategy talk and inside-the-game info.

Fantasy Chase: Jim McDevitt wins championship


The ultra-competitive Fantasy Chase came down to a tiebreaker Sunday night, with Jim McDevitt (@macd6) edging out @AndrewWaldrop by a SINGLE LAP. @MaureenHolt finished third.

Here’s how it all shook out.

— Five of the 28 finalists picked Busch to win the title. They were @AndrewWaldrop, @maureenholt, @macd6, @jojoluvs18 and @chekrs_or_wrekrs.

— Three of those five picked Kevin Harvick to finish second (which he did): @AndrewWaldrop, @maureenholt and @macd6.

— Since none of those three had Martin Truex Jr. or Jeff Gordon still in the Chase, the championship came down to a tiebreaker: Laps led by the champion.

This is what they submitted:

@maureenholt: 110 laps

@AndrewWaldrop: 45 laps

@macd6: 38 laps

Actual laps led by the champion: 41 laps

Wow! @macd6 was three laps off and @AndrewWaldrop missed it by four laps, giving the title to @macd6 by one lap! But don’t feel too sorry for Andrew — he’s a Kyle Busch fan, so he was happy anyway.

So congratulations to Jim McDevitt, who beat out 760 other players this season to claim the 2015 Fantasy Chase title. I will be in contact with Jim to select a small prize of his choice from several items.

Thank you to everyone who played this year, and way to go, Jim!